Back pain: how to choose the right office chair

Back pain: how to choose the right office chair
Back pain is a major contributor to staff absence in the UK and abroad. Research produced by The Work Foundation in 2012 estimated that the costs exceed €12billion each year, with 80 per cent of healthcare costs generated by the 10 per cent of people with chronic back pain and disability. And the NHS reports that around 7.6 million working days were lost because of work-related back pain and musculoskeletal disorders between 2010 and 2011.
Whilst there isn’t a magic solution to preventing chronic back pain in the workplace, choosing the right office chair can make a big difference. So any employer who wants to reduce the likelihood of work-related absences due to back pain should look for the following features when choosing new office seating.
To find out more, please contact us.

Beating back pain: features to look for
If you’re buying chairs for a team of people, we recommend that the following features should be included as non-negotiable in your purchase:
Adjustable back rests – these need to be able to go up and down, providing lumbar support. Everyone’s spine is different, so it’s important that chairs are adjustable to fit individuals
Adjustable chair back – this needs to adjust so that you can move it backwards and forwards, adapting to different postures. Some people find it very difficult to sit upright, whilst others like to be a little further back. Often many people find a ‘float mechanism’ more comfortable; some chairs have an adaptable tension adjuster, creating a more natural balance
Adjustable chair base – the seat base needs to be adjustable forwards and backwards, so that it can support people with short legs or long legs. There should be two or three fingers’ width behind the back of the sitter’s knee and the front of the chair.
To find out more, please contact us on our contact page.

New office furniture procurement service
If you’re looking to buy new office furniture and recycle your old furniture, The DSE Partnership can help you assess your workforce needs and procure new, bespoke items. Our partnership with office design consultancy Officeworks means that we can secure preferential rates for osteopath-recommended office chairs, workstations and more.

How Do I Choose A Computer Keyboard?
We all know that sitting for hours on end at our desks leaves us at risk from lower back pain, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), tension headaches and eye strain. So you have the ergonomically adjusted chair and the height adjustable desk and screen but what about one of the most important parts of your desk layout – your keyboard?[clear] Continue reading “How Do I Choose A Computer Keyboard?”

5 Most Common Workplace Injuries
The DSE Partnership Osteopath Tim Hanwell recently told delegates at the Workplace Trends conference in London about common musculoskeletal injuries in the work environment.
1. Levator Scapulae pain
Straining the levator scapulae, found on the sides of the neck, is one of the most common workplace injuries. The causes of straining this muscle include: the mouse being too far away; carrying a laptop bag; wedging a phone between your ear and shoulder; stress/tension; and a cold temperature, which causes hunching. Remedies include supporting arms on the desk while typing/mousing; avoiding wedging the phone between ear and shoulder; keeping shoulder bag weight to a minimum; and stretching the anterior (pectoral) muscles.
[clear] Continue reading “5 Most Common Workplace Injuries”

The Art of Sitting Comfortably
Did you know that correct sitting is not just about sitting up straight? If you are reading this whilst sitting at your PC, then ask yourself the following questions?[clear]
1 When seated at your workstation are your hips slightly above your knees?
2 Can you rest your forearms on the desk in front of the keyboard?
3 Is the top of your screen approximately at eye level?
4 Do you sit back in your chair or do you perch at the edge?
5 Do your feet reach the floor when you are sat back in your chair?
6 Do you work on a laptop for more than 2 hours/day?
7 Do you suffer from tired eyes or headaches at work?
8 Do you have any musculoskeletal pains at work?
9 Are you pregnant?
10 Have you returned to work after an operation?
11 Have you got a new chair recently?
12 Have you had your workstation assessed before?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of the first 5 questions or ‘yes’ to the last 3 questions then you should have your workstation assessed to prevent musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, neck pain, RSI and eye strain.
The DSE Partnership can help with either a personal one-to-one or secure, simple to use online workstation assessment.

Corona crisis update
Due to the Corona crisis we are now offering phone call help and advice from an experienced osteopath and workstation assessor for employees who are now working from home.
If you require help with your setup to reduce your risk of musculoskeletal symptoms please leave your details here (link to contact details page). Calls are charged at £30. To offer the best advice WhatsApp or Facetime will be most useful so that we can see you at your workstation.